
Merge duplicate companies in the CRM

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Since duplicate companies cause confusion and inefficiency in your sales teams, most Cargo users prefer to have recurring workflows to impose hygiene on the CRM.

This template will walk you through the process of identifying and merging duplicate companies in the CRM when they share the same domain and LinkedIn page.


All integrations mentioned in this template require an associated connector to be set up in your Cargo workspace. Some integrations are eligible for use with Cargo credits. See the documentation for instructions on setting up connectors and using Cargo credits.

Merge duplicate companies in the CRM using Cargo#

Step 1 - Set variables#

Set up your input variables to the workflow

Inputs used in the workflow are set up in the variables node at the beginning of the workflow. This node is used to define the parameters that will be passed through the rest of the workflow.

Since we're aiming to deduplicate companies in the CRM, we are most likely going to use an equivalent data model from the CRM connectors in Cargo to power this workflow.

To power this workflow, the following variables are needed:

  • domain: The domain of the company you are targeting.
  • linkedinPage: The LinkedIn page URL that is shared among duplicate companies.
  • crmCompanyID: The CRM ID of the company that you want to keep as the primary record.

Step 2 - Retrieve duplicates#

Retrieve duplicate companies with the same domain and LinkedIn

Each CRM has its own quirks with duplication issues. This template covers the most common case, i.e. when multiple companies share both the same domain name and a LinkedIn company page and should be merged.

We will use a search action on a CRM integration to retrieve such companies. We combine this action with a filter node to only proceed when more than 1 company is retrieved by this action, i.e., indicating the presence of at least one duplicate.

Step 3 - Merge duplicates#

Merge duplicate companies

Since the CRM search action will produce an array, we can use a group node to pass each of the retrieved companies to a merge action that will merge all except the first company in the results with the primary company record that will be retained in the CRM.

This step ensures that all relevant data from the duplicate records is merged into the primary record. Update any necessary fields during this action to ensure that the company record is complete and correct.

The assumption in this method is that the first company retrieved by the search action is treated as the primary company. This logic can be modified by using an additional search node to retrieve a company with specific properties (such as no. of deals associated) to place it at the head of the array, hence making it the primary company to merge duplicates into.

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