
Optimize deliverability rates with an email validation waterfall

Get started with Hubspot in Cargo


Protect you email deliverability and save your sales reps' time by keeping your CRM contacts validated. This template will show you how to automatically validate emails for HubSpot contacts in batches based on a specific time interval.


All integrations mentioned in this template require an associated connector to be set up in your Cargo workspace. Some integrations are eligible for use with Cargo credits. See the documentation for instructions on setting up connectors and using Cargo credits.

Optimize deliverability rates by using an email validation waterfall inside Cargo#

Step 1 - Set variables#

Set up your input variables to the workflow

Inputs used in the workflow are set up in the variables node at the beginning of the workflow. This node is used to define the parameters that will be passed through the rest of workflow as inputs to the rest of the nodes.

To power this workflow, the following variables are needed:

  • emailVerificationDate: The date of the last email validation, by default this is set as today's data
  • inputEmail: The email address of the contact that needs to be validated
  • inputEmailDomain: The domain of the email address that needs to be validated
  • contactFirstName: The first name of the contact that needs to be validated
  • contactLastName: The last name of the contact that needs to be validated
  • contactJobTitle: The title of the contact that needs to be validated

Step 2 - Enroll contacts#

Enroll contacts that are due for validation from Hubspot

For this use case, you will require a field in the Hubspot contacts object that stores a date of the last validation per contact. This field will be used to filter contacts that are due for validation given the length of the validation interval you have defined.

Use a Cargo data model to trigger this workflow when the date of last validation for a given contact is older than a pre-defined time interval(we recommend between 30-90 days)..

Step 3 - Validate emails#

Validate contact emails

Choose an email validation action (Zerobounce, Neverbounce, etc.) node to check each an email's validity directly from your workflow.

Next, if the node above indicates that an email might not be valid, use the Enrichley or Scrubby integration to double check emails that fall under the 'catch-all' category. Note that if using Enrichley you may swap out the first email validation step entirely, as the tool can handle both use cases. Otherwise, see here for a detailed explanation of how Scrubby works.

Step 4 - Enrich contacts#

Enrich the contact email, when required

In case an invalid email is identified, you should enrich the contact for a valid email.

Select your favorite enrichment provider from the node catalog to find valid emails for the contact.

When selecting this node, use an enrichment tool that you're already subscribed to (e.g., Zoominfo, Cognism, Apollo, Clearbit) or choose new providers available with Cargo credits (e.g., PeopleDataLabs,

Step 5 - Update CRM#

Update the CRM

Your workflow should converge at this point to a Hubspot write action which serves to update the contact object. Within this node, map the email field to reference either the original email or the enriched email addresses, whichever is the valid one.

Additionally, you will need to update the date of last validation column in the Hubspot with today's date to avoid it unnecessarily re-enrolled into the workflow.

In case an enrichment was required in the step above, you can also update other fields in the contact object to retain the most relevant information for the contact (such as job title, current company, etc.)

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